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Eesthetic is a collection of Estonian verbal and nominal paradigms, in phonemic and orthographic notation. They are suited for both computational and manual analysis.

The data files are encoded in csv files, and the metadata follows frictionless standards. The dataset conforms to the Paralex standard

The Estonian Paradigms in Phonemic Notation dataset is licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International

Please cite as:

  • Sacha Beniamine, Mari Aigro, Matthew Baerman, Jules Bouton & Maria Copot (2024). Eesthetic: A Paralex Lexicon of Estonian Paradigms. In Proceedings of The 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING). To appear.
  • Sacha Beniamine, Mari Aigro, Matthew Baerman, Jules Bouton & Maria Copot. Estonian Paradigms in Phonemic Notation [Data set]. Zenodo.

The data can be downloaded from zenodo or from the gitlab repository; and visualized online.

We thank Indrek Hein and Ylle Viks for providing us access to Ekilex data and plenty of support.


This dataset is derived from Ekilex data. See:

  • Ekilex API.
  • Sõnaveeb. Eesti Keele Instituudi keeleportaal.
  • Tavast, Arvi, et al. "Towards the superdictionary: Layers, tools and unidirectional meaning relations." EURALEX XIX (2021).
  • National Estonian Corpus 2021 (

How this lexicon was prepared

We selected the 5000 most frequent verbs and 5000 most frequent nouns in the Estonian national corpus files, excluding the web sections. For each corresponding lexeme, we then queries the Ekilex api (see the git repository and sonaveeb) in order to obtain inflected forms in orthographic notation. We used epitran custom rules in order to convert these into phonemic notation. We performed extensive manual verifications, and corrected some forms by hand. The input to epitran rules are the annotated orthographic forms from EKILEX, where:

  • ```` the grave mark (backtick) signals a syllable in quantity 3, and is placed before the first vowel of the syllable, eg: kindel, kontert, allergia, esseist
  • (\)` indicates that the syllable can be either Q2 or Q3. In this case, the transcription uses Q3.
  • ´ an acute accents marks stressed syllables when they are not predictible.
  • (´) an acute accent in round brackets indicates that the syllable can be either stressed or unstressed. In this cae, the transcription includes the stress.
  • [ a square bracket marks the border between the word stem and the ending of the change in the word form. Note that this is a non-standard marker for Paralex.
  • + a plus marks word boundaries: liit+word
  • an underscore plus marks boundaries in loan words: tele₊skoop, de₊odoran't, plei₊boi
  • ' a straight apostrophy indicates palatalization (after a consonant): kul'u, not'su, k`un'st

As annotation was sometimes incomplete, we added more using the vabamorf tool. Diacritics from vabamorf are different, but were converted to the ekilex notation. Any other diacritics present in ekilex, such as the "~" separating overabundant forms; a "*" marking impossible forms, etc, were removed.

How to re-generate the data

Dependencies: epitran, paralex

Getting national corpus files:

Finding frequencies:

python3 --count_freq

To download data from Ekilex, you need to create a file containing a variable with the Ekilex api key:

api_key = "<API_KEY>"

Fetching all the paradigm info from ekilex (this is very long !):

python3 --query_ekilex

Extracting the lexicon from json -> csv:

python3 --extract

Install vabamorf from (requires g++ and gmake):

git clone
cd vabamorf/apps/cmdline/project/unix
make -s etsyn

The path vabamorf/apps/cmdline/project/unix will contain the executable etsyn, thus it should be in your PATH.

Then get the dictionary file:

wget -P vabamorf/

Then, produce vabamorf output files in raw/steps/*_with_vabamorf.csv:

python3 --vabamorf

Evaluating the transcription on dev forms:

python3 --eval_dev

Phonological transcription:

python3 --transcribe

All at once (this can be really long !):

 python3  --count_freq  --query_ekilex --extract --vabamorf --transcribe