Vlexique 2.0 is a collection of French verbal paradigms, in phonemic and orthographic notation. They are suited for both computational and manual analysis. The dataset follows the Paralex Standard.
See the website at: https://sbeniamine.gitlab.io/vlexique
If you use this dataset, please cite:
- Beniamine, Coavoux & Bonami. Vlexique2.0 [Data set]. Zenodo. zenodo.10638682
- Beniamine, Coavoux & Bonami (2024). Vlexique2.0: A rich lexicon of French verbal inflection with form-level frequencies. To be presented at the 21st International Morphology Meeting (IMM 21) in Vienna.
- Vlexique 2.0 derives from the verbal section of, and continues Flexique version 1.3.2 (Bonami, Caron & Plancq 2014).
- Vlexique derives from Démonette (Hathout & Namer 2014), which provided orthographic forms.
- Flexique itself derives from Lexique (New & al 2004); data: Lexique383.zip